Tuesday 14 May 2013

Paranoia: the paranormal, a pervert, or a possum?

Last night I went to bed early with every intention of, for once, feeling rested and refreshed in the morning. But it was not to be.

I was woken in the middle of the night by the sound of steady breathing. This worked its way into my dreams, waking me slowly, provoking little alarm. Until I realised that it was real, and not part of my imagination. Whereupon I can assure you that waking to hear breathing that is not coming from you, in a room that you know was otherwise empty when you went to sleep, is a TERRIFYING experience.

The breathing was slow and heavy and felt horribly close by. While trying to remain incredibly still I attempted to collect my thoughts. It sounded human. It was coming from the direction of the window that I always leave open at night. I was petrified. It occurred to me that every night I am pretty shameless about getting changed in front of the windows (there are no curtains) - extremely obviously backlit against the inky darkness outside. This normally doesn't worry me. I assume that no-one can see, and if they can, they probably don't care. But now, merely hours later, there was someone in my room, breathing heavily. Bugger.

Just as I was working myself up into a total state, the breathing stopped. Oh my god. The thing had realised I was awake. Quick as a flash I whipped on the light. Nothing. The room was empty. But my gaze was drawn to the wide open window.

I waited a few minutes, decided I was being mad and hearing things that clearly weren't there, turned the light off, and tried to go back to sleep. But, obviously, sleep by this point was impossible, as I was too busy listening intently. I was slightly torn. Part of me wanted to not hear the noise again, but that would mean I had imagined the entire thing and was quite clearly two sandwiches short of a picnic. The breathing started again. Aaaaaaaa! Slowly, very slowly, I made my way over to the window and eased it shut. I could hear the breathing outside. But, blessed relief, it could no longer get in. So, back to bed. Whereupon, after a few minutes break, which lulled me into a false set of security, the breathing moved to the other window. The window right behind my head. 

By this point, I was starting to consider that maybe my hosts hadn't bother to warn me, but my room was actually haunted. By the ghost of a heavy breather. Looking back, it is perhaps a little strange that my mind went there before a more normal conclusion. The breathing got louder (I could still see nothing out the window) when suddenly there was a change. Still steady and deep, but now there was an audible hissing in between. Snake? Surely not. But having had that thought I realised, steady on! This is Australia, everything dangerous/strange/incredibly freaky is animal related. So I typed 'heavy breathing Australian animals' into google (no I'm not kidding, I actually did). The answer was conclusive. It appears that there is no difference between the noise of a rampant peeping tom and a bloody possum. 

The bastard had struck again. In the words of that immortal genius, Withnail: "the fucker will rue the day!"

That being said, I am no closer to knowing how to get rid of him. Although, after last night's intense study of his breathing, it is possible that he is asthmatic.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi
    Tonight happened exactly the same to me. I'm staying for one night at my hostmums sister-in-laws place in a little bungalow in the backyard and when I went inside the house to go to the toilet and have a glass of water at probably 3.30 am I suddenly heard that snoring noise ( or heavy breathing how you called it ) and my first thought was if the dad of the family or anybody else is sleeping on the couch but there was no one... then I realized the noise is in the backyard. Knowing that I have to walk back through the backyard to the little bungalow not knowing what or who is out there making that strange noise freaked me out a bit :D but yeah I took all my left courage, turned on the torch of my phone, checked the backyard for anybody or anything ( the noise had stopped by now ), couldn't see something and then quickly went through the backyard into my little bungalow and back into bed. Glad to be back safe I locked the door and turned of the light. Suddenly the noise came back but only once and then I thought now you have check your phone and google what that strange noise could be ( :DDD ) otherwise you'll never get back to sleep! So google showed up your blog-entry and here I am finding out that its just a harmless possum which freaked me out like hell! Thanks to you - for making possible to find out what creature is out there in our backyard - I will have a chance of having a sound sleep until tomorrow morning!! :)

  3. Ive just heard heavy breathin outside my window before i was about to go sleep....it wont stop......

  4. i heared heavey breathing outside my window last night ..i thought it was paranormal since ive been stuck with sum spirit for a while but this something was outside my window..whenever i made a slight noise it would stop and eventually start again this has been happening for 4 days and i havent been able to sleep for 2 minutes...last night i acidentyaly moved something and it madwe a loud noise, then i hear someone bolting from under my window..i was frozen, im a 14 year old girl..my parents dont believe me and im going insane

    1. This literally happened to me 5 minutes ago but I’m much older and don’t scare as easily.

      As for your other issue, I hear you and I am sick of the spirits (which are jinn). Let me know if it continues, I have some secret weapons for that.

  5. Just had this breathing experience happen to me last night. Several weeks also.In my backyard at night. I went and got a flashlight and went out to check things and nothing. Freaked me out!! Now I come across this article and am relieved. We have possums that get our apples from our tree and eat dry cat food. I swear it scared me so much! Phew! Not a demon but a possum. Thank you!!

  6. this happend to me last night!! and tnight!! im still freaked out i was in my room watching netflix and all of a sudden loud breathing was happening then i closed my window and it stopped and it scared me so bad

  7. Hey, friends. It's very possible that hearing breathing when no one is around is just an auditory hallucination. This can be caused by stress, tire, or even just boredom. Sometimes, when the brain is bored, it makes things up, similar to dreams and daydreams.
    If you want a more supernatural solution, it could also be astral projection. You could be making that sound from a different state of being all together.

    1. What if a few of you hear it at the same time? Not everything is imagined.

    2. I heard the loud breathing, and new know one would believe me so I videotaped it, so it is not our imagination, or some noise from a different state of being, however it went on for so long that I couldn’t believe it was an animal.

  8. I also heard it the other day and ive recorded it and showed it to my family. They all think its unbelievably creepy
